umm howd this get thru?
umm mods? you sleeping this dosent do just loads ... are ww having a preloader contest? remove thish plsh
umm howd this get thru?
umm mods? you sleeping this dosent do just loads ... are ww having a preloader contest? remove thish plsh
good quiz though with this kinda stuff you guys should really think about incorperating options for minors like myself it was kinda hard to answer some of the questions were hard to answer because of my age like the food supplies n shit i dont know if my familie puts stuff in places i dont know and or care about . but good quiz the mini games were kind of quarter assed (yes quarter assed not just half assed) so ya all in all i give you a 5/5 and fav
sound?pls?no ? no game? well then 0/5 -.-
wow that was the most god awful peice of crap ive seen in a while it got bored at level 1 and quit at level 3 hoping something would happen but it didnt and i quit this game is nothing new no creativity and nothing was added on htink of sumthing new dood
i dowloaded this for my xbox...the trial anyways...its fucking hard
this game is bull shit i was doing really well i got his work ethic to 70 then ya no wht? he accidentally enrolled in a flash designer thing and ya hung him self fuck!!!
strange i could beat endor but not hoth......faved 5/5 10/10 did u make it like tht arcade game you can play in the arcades where u sit in the big seat and have two red buttons and a stick thingy ?>
hmm the fact that im 13...
hmm lol i guess id doo pretty well (i got z+) considering my age and for the most part i toldd the truth may be i wouldent let someone being attacked to die i would probley like start to attack from a distance and try to stay back but there was really no good answer other than let them die.
dood comeon its okay but like dont classifie it a game and make this into an actually movie not a 30 second thing be a game dev
aspiraing game dev
kailua high
Joined on 7/18/07