okay awsome but i have no fucking idea wtf tht was lol good tho
okay awsome but i have no fucking idea wtf tht was lol good tho
i dont know what just happend i dont know why it was just awsome XD
hahhhhhh :)
good message
its a good message and a good flash but im gonna tell you rite now there are two possiblitys in the futre #1 there will never be peace made by humans alone we are not capable of it we are aggressive and destructive.
#2 peace is temporareily achevied through the death of the people who know of war peace will be sustained until there is a little disagreement of the people who survived and it will happen again .
you sir are awsome
best animation ive seen in a while 5/5 fav you and movie
silly cat face
SILLY CAT FACE ________> :3
bad asss BAD ASSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 question though why does neo look like an emo?
lulz its funny and goo dan i enjoy all your work but im strating to question your mentlal stability
cows rule
you rule too favorited and also you might want to work on making him more like a dude he looked like a fat chick
put a ripe banan in your favorite ear
omg the sequal you rule lol hey omg they robbed me .... charlie! WHAT? blopololololol
you rule be a game dev
aspiraing game dev
kailua high
Joined on 7/18/07