lol your are a poo poo face , and a butt face
lol your are a poo poo face , and a butt face
Awww =(
dont ask dont tell
thos os how its gonna go ima fav rate 10 and vote five your not gonna ask no questions and this is all gonna be great tel nyone i faved this shet i will throw hammers
lol wtf flaming hobos?
lol wtf
wtf man lol tht was funny
1# alsmost makes me want a nientendo wii but im not gonna go to target because of...2# (see the flash wii are sold out)
the graphics were alright midley funny but umm get this the hell off the front page its way to short and wasnt really THAT funny
love it
i rally loved it espeicalley the parts where jesus uses his shield thing to throw the bullets back which is pimp ass and all the time he used "jesus force" but ...umm the end utterley pissed me off like just for that 10 seconds at the end lkike fuck you but other than that its awsome srry bout the fu but it kinda deserves tht cough*hankbetterbein9cough* 5/5 10/10 and im comming bck everyday to vote 5
great work but why is the guy such an ass hole?
thats great i was expecting to have to throw down some blamming at first but its goo man genious the poetry n stuff is funny lol be a game dev
aspiraing game dev
kailua high
Joined on 7/18/07