hmmm it coulda been better if you guys made a big story not just a series of different stuff but it was good
hmmm it coulda been better if you guys made a big story not just a series of different stuff but it was good
uh ok...
lol so funny and makes sense
war movie
its like waching a war movie as all the soldiers give their lives and are never forgotten even as we move on and they die...
its pretty good but the thing that you gata implement are voices and not just subtitles cause it realy messes up the quality of the movie
u get a 3
well, a three's pretty good. thnaks but i can't voice act for crap.
i liked it
it was pretty funny it gets 5
Thanks. :)
he he he he he
that was funny and i enjoyed it even tho im a fan o harry potter it is true i mean he did give off that gay vibe and pedifile vibe .....also in the book by rita skeeter in the last book said he and Harry had an unhealthy realationship .........hint hint? also tho the graphics were good and 1 more thing i never heard j.k. rowling say he was gay but all in all this was really good the lip sinking was a little bit off tho and proffessor snape didnt look like him also u shoulda like shown jk rowing at the eand doing something hilarious
Thanks for the review and as for how they looked, they actually weren't based on how they looked in the movie. I made them how I saw them in the books BEFORE the movies came out.
THough Hermoine had better hair before I drew it. But I like her rat's nest!
I only started waching the show like a month ago but i instantly liked it i love this u intergrated the feeling of the show into the flash to bad the seris is over >:'( wait it is over right????
Almost over I believe.
awsomet that rulesS!!!1
that was so funny keep it up espicialy the end with the dropped call lol thats funny.
lol you misspelled your own name.
dood that was the best thing since blamformers all were funny ecpecially the ones with ham and hell yes i like waffles! lol i loved it man keep it up :D
Thanks alot for the nice review! be a game dev
aspiraing game dev
kailua high
Joined on 7/18/07